TRS - Managing My Time


Managing My Time

We're thrilled to introduce the upgraded GW Time Reporting System (TRS). We understand how important it is for you to manage your time effectively, which is why we've redesigned the TRS with your needs in mind. The upgraded GW TRS offers enhanced functionality and a user-friendly interface, making it easier than ever for you to track your time, report hours, and manage your schedule efficiently.

Join us in embracing this exciting advancement in time reporting technology. Together, let's continue to uphold our commitment to accuracy and excellence in time management at GW.

  Navigating the Changes


 This page will be updated as more information becomes available.








  What's New / Changing


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Explore an enhanced time reporting experience with the upgraded GW TRS.

  • Customizable Home Page: Tailor your GW TRS home page with customizable tiles for quicker access to essential functions.
  • Self-Service Missed Punches: Non-exempt employees can now record missed punches themselves, streamlining the process for manager approval.
  • Loaded Schedules for Benefits-Eligible Staff: Benefit-eligible staff will have their schedules pre-loaded into the system, simplifying timekeeping, holiday planning, and time off requests.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Accessibility improvements in GW TRS will comply with ADA standards for better usability.
  • Rounding Rules: The system will no longer round punches to the quarter hour.  The system will record and post the exact punch to the timecard.  Union employees should check with their collective bargaining agreement.
  • Preferred Name Display: Employees' preferred names will be used in GW TRS, fostering a more personalized experience.
  • Secondary Employee Visibility: Secondary employees will now be visible in GW TRS before clocking in, eliminating delays in attendance records.
  • Expanded Punch Recording: Non-exempt employees will have additional options to record punches, enhancing flexibility in time tracking.
  • Multiple Roles Support: Easily switch between roles within TRS for smoother task management.
  • Improved Time Off Requests: Enjoy a more streamlined time off request process with enhanced features.

Time Reporting System Clocking Options

All non-exempt, hourly employees now have three options to record their time: phone, mobile, and web. Managers retain the right to mandate how employees record their time. For example, departments may require phone punching from a designated physical location or phone. Please confirm with your manager if your department has an internal policy.

Phone Time Stamp Entry

Primary Job Clocking

  • To access the Time Reporting System, dial 202-994-2274 (4-2274).
  • The voice prompt will respond, "Please enter your employee number followed by the pound key."
  • Enter the eight digits following the 'G' of your GWid number.
  • The system will respond with the following menu options.
    • To record clock in or clock out press - 1
    •  Enter the appropriate clock code.
      • To clock in Press - 1
      • To clock out for (All Jobs) - Press 2
      • To cancel a meal deduction Press - 5
      • To end the call Press - 0

Secondary Job Clocking (Bi-weekly and Monthly paid employees with a secondary bi-weekly position)

  • To access the Time Reporting System, dial 202-994-2274 (4-2274).
  • The system will respond, "Please enter your employee number followed by the pound key."
  • To record your arrival at your secondary job Press - 2 to access the account transfer menu.
  • To do a labor account transfer (Secondary Job) Press - 2
  • Please enter a value for labor level 1 followed by the # key or your home Press *.   
    • Enter your 8 digit position number followed by the # key.  The voice prompt will provide the time.  Enter 0 to end the call.
    • When entering a secondary position that starts with a letter ‘A’ or ‘B’ change the letter to a number ‘7’. Example: If the position is A12345 enter in 712345 at the phone.
  • To clock out for (All Jobs) Press 1 then 2 to clock out.

Mobile Time Stamp

  • You can access the UKG Pro app using the GW server name, however, you must be granted access. Please review and accept the Workforce Mobile User Agreement and obtain the server name. If you have downloaded the UKG Workforce Central app, please remove it and  download the new app.
  • Log into Mobile App once downloaded. Select SSO sign in at bottom of app. Contact [email protected] if you experience issues.
  • Select the 'punch' button to Record Time Stamp button. If you have multiple positions choose the correct assignment.
  • Select Cancel Deduction button to cancel your meal break for the day
  • The system records the current time and location and displays the recorded time near the top of the app.
  • You may now log off or view your timecard.
select mobile punch button to time stamp on mobile phone





PC Time Entry & Viewing Your Timecard

  • Access the Time Reporting System using the TRS link. Here are instructions on how to review your time card. Log into TRS using Single Sign-On.  If you are not already signed into the Single Sign-On you will be prompted for your GW email address and password. Contact [email protected] if you experience issues.
  • In the Punch Tile click the Record Time Stamp button. If you have multiple positions choose the correct assignment.
  • Select Cancel Deduction button to cancel your meal break for the day
PC Time Stamp screenshot
  • The system records the current time and displays the recorded time near the top of the workspace.
  • You may now log off or view your time card.

These exciting new features and changes are designed to streamline time reporting processes, empower employees, and support effective workforce management.

Experience a more efficient and user-friendly time-reporting system at GW!


  What's Staying the Same


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With the upgraded GW TRS, rest assured that several aspects will remain consistent.

Here's what's staying the same:

  • Clocking In and Out: Non-exempt employees will still need to clock in and out as usual to record their working hours accurately.

  • Approval Process: Timekeepers will continue to be responsible for approving biweekly hours to ensure accuracy and compliance.

  • Time Off Requests: Eligible employees can still submit time off requests and view their balances within the TRS platform, maintaining the convenience and transparency of the current system.

  • Punch Collection Methods: Punches will continue to be collected via phone, web, and mobile app, providing flexibility and accessibility for employees to record their time accurately.

Note: UPD covered by a CBA and medical residents will continue to use their current time off tracking systems.


  How to Prepare


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With the enhancements and changes to the upgraded GW TRS, it's important to take some time to prepare. 

The Task Instructions for Keyboard and Screen Reader Users for UKG Dimensions (PDF) can assist if applicable to you.

Here are a few actions and things to keep in mind:


Outstanding Time Off Requests for a date before July 1, 2024:

To ensure correct starting balances in the upgraded GW TRS, all your outstanding time off requests for the period 7/1/23 - 6/30/24 that have been submitted but have not been approved/denied by your manager need to be addressed no later than 6/30/24.

Important:  Any outstanding time off requests for the period 7/1/23 - 6/30/24 that have not been approved or denied on or before 6/30/24 by your manager will be automatically approved prior to the transition to the upgraded GW TRS on 7/7/24, thus resulting in a reduction in your beginning time off balance(s) (i.e. Sick, Vacation, PND, etc.) in the upgraded GW TRS.

Outstanding Time Off Requests for the period July 1, 2024 - July 6, 2024:

To ensure you have correct starting balances in the upgraded GW TRS, all outstanding time off requests for the period 7/1/24 - 7/6/24 that you have submitted but that have not been approved/denied by your manager need to be addressed prior to the transition on 7/7/24. 

Important: If you are taking vacation time during the period 7/1/24 - 7/6/24 (outside of the holiday, 7/4/24), any approved vacation time will be deducted from your transition time balance. For more information on Transition Time, please visit the Vacation Time Overview.

Future Time Off Requests for a date on or after July 7, 2024

In transitioning to the upgraded GW TRS there will be a pause in requesting future time off requests. Time off requests with a future begin date of 7/7/2024 or beyond will need to be submitted beginning on 7/7/2024 in the upgraded GW TRS. (You do not need to cancel any requests for request dates of 7/7/2024 or later in the current version of the TRS.)

Already submitted or approved requests for time off for dates on or after 7/7/2024 in the current GW TRS? You will need to re-enter these requests once the upgraded GW TRS is live. This will ensure that the new Vacation Time Off policy (effective 7/1/24) including Transition Time will apply. 

For more information regarding the new Vacation Time policy including Transition time, please visit the Vacation Time Overview.  



Below are tips and considerations to help you better manage your employee's time off requests starting July 7, 2024:

Time Off Tracking
  • The TRS tracks time off in hours and minutes rather than days or weeks.
  • Within a time off request, the “Duration” defaults to 8 hours. Adjust for partial days.
  • University holidays and weekends (unless scheduled to work holidays or weekends) should not be included in time off requests.
  • Managers can view their entire department’s accrual balances and time off by using an accrual or time off dataview.
  • Non-exempt employees: If you work a partial day and take time off for your remaining hours, clock-in and clock-out for the time you worked. 
  • Managers or timekeepers should not approve their own time off requests.
Vacation Time
  • May not be used in advance of accrual.
  • Will continue to accrue until you reach your maximum accrual limit. 
Sick Time
  • May not be used in advance of accrual.
  • Sick time does not have a maximum accrual limit
Unpaid Time
  • Unpaid time must also be entered into the TRS to ensure accruals are pro-rated accurately.
  • For monthly employees taking unpaid time, enter the unpaid time into the TRS and notify Payroll of the unpaid time to ensure the employee is not overpaid.

      Tools and Training


    computer check

    We encourage you to explore the GW TRS upgrade overviews for access to on-demand resources showcasing some of the new features as well as the training materials from our recent webinars.  The Task Instructions for Keyboard and Screen Reader Users for UKG Dimensions (PDF) can assist if applicable to you.

    The entire timekeeping employee video library is available here:

    Additional resources for reviewing and requesting Time Off can be found below: 


        Navigation Resource Documents: 

    Join a time off training or office hours session to help you get more acquainted with the enhancements.

    Upcoming Training Sessions


    Upcoming Office Hours



      Frequently Asked Questions


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    What is GW Time Reporting System (TRS)?

    GW Time Reporting System (TRS), formerly known as UKG TRS and Kronos, serves as our comprehensive solution for tracking and recording employee hours worked and time off taken. Its primary goal is to ensure accurate and timely payment for all employees, while also facilitating efficient management of schedules and time off requests.

    As of July 7, 2024, GW will introduce an upgraded version of TRS, aptly named GW TRS. This enhanced platform builds upon the functionality of its predecessors, offering new features and improvements to further streamline time management processes and enhance user experience.

    GW TRS represents our ongoing commitment to providing cutting-edge tools that support both employee needs and organizational efficiency.

    Is this a new system?

    GW TRS is not a new system but instead represents an evolution of our current UKG time reporting system, building upon its foundation to provide enhanced functionality and user experience. The upgraded GW TRS introduces exciting new features and improvements to streamline your daily tasks and empower you with greater control over your time management.

    As of July 7, you'll notice an array of added capabilities designed to make your work life even more productive and efficient. From simplified time-off requests to advanced scheduling tools, GW TRS is poised to revolutionize the way you manage your time. Rest assured, while the system may look different, its core purpose remains unchanged: to support you in achieving your best work while ensuring accuracy and compliance.

    In essence, GW TRS represents a significant step forward in our commitment to providing cutting-edge tools that enhance your workplace experience. We're excited for you to explore and leverage these new features, and we're confident they'll contribute to a smoother, more efficient workflow for everyone.

    Is there a particular browser required to use the upgraded GW TRS platform?

    No, but Google Chrome is recommended for maximum functionality.

    Who will be affected by this change?

    In addition to tracking hours worked and attendance for non-exempt employees and managing time off for all employees, GW TRS will streamline various HR processes, such as scheduling shifts, requesting time off, and managing approvals. This means that employees will have more control and visibility over their schedules and time-off requests, leading to improved work-life balance and better adherence to company policies. Furthermore, GW TRS will provide managers with real-time insights into their team's attendance, time off, and workload, enabling them to make more informed decisions and optimize resource allocation.

    Will there be any changes to current payroll periods or paydays?

    Current employee pay schedules will not change because of the implementation of the upgraded GW TRS platform. Employees will continue to be paid bi-weekly on the same schedule. Approval deadlines remain the same.

    Visit the Payroll Calendars page for detailed information.

    Will training be provided?

    We will offer a range of training options including virtual sessions, online videos, step-by-step user guides, office hours, and more.  We encourage users to check back regularly to the Tools and Training Section of this page for learning opportunities and updates.

    What are some of the new features for employees?

    Employees can look forward to several exciting new features with the upgraded GW TRS:

    • Control Panel: A redesigned home page featuring a control panel with intuitive tiles, providing quick and easy access to personal information, schedules, time-off balances, and more.

    • Notifications in Control Center: Stay informed with real-time notifications conveniently located within the Control Center, ensuring you never miss important updates or announcements.

    • Multiple Roles: For those with varied responsibilities, GW TRS now supports multiple roles, allowing seamless navigation between different job functions without the need for separate logins.

    • Employee Punch Corrections: Correcting time punches is now simpler than ever with the Employee Punch Corrections feature, enabling employees to easily review and amend any inaccuracies in their time records.

    How do hourly employees record their time in the upgraded Time Reporting System?

    Hourly employees will be able to time stamp by phone, PC browser, and mobile app.

    Note: You must enable location services if you clock in and out using mobile.

    What if I work in a state with different meal deductions or overtime rules?

    Ensure your work location address is correct in GWeb, and your overtime will be calculated per state rules.

    Why is my vacation time balance incorrect on July 1 in the current version of the TRS?

    The new vacation time policy (including transition time) is not being configured in the current version of the TRS. Benefits will be reviewing any time off that is taken from July 1 through July 6 (after the upgraded TRS launches on July 7) and will be adjusting accrual balances, as needed. 

    Why is my transition time balance missing in the current version of the TRS?

    The new vacation time policy (including transition time) is not being configured in the current version of the TRS. Benefits will be reviewing any time off that is taken from July 1 through July 6 (after the upgraded TRS launches on July 7) and will be adjusting accrual balances, as needed. 

    Why am I not able to submit a time off request after July 6 in the current version of the TRS?

    Any time off requests with a future begin date of 7/7/2024 or beyond will need to be submitted beginning on 7/7/2024 in the upgraded TRS to ensure that the new Vacation Time Off policy including Transition Time will apply. 


      Contact Us


    We are here to help! Please submit the form below: