Safety and Security

The GW Police Department (GWPD) is located at 801 22nd Street, N.W., in the Academic Center. GWPD covers the campus by foot, bicycle, and vehicle patrol in addition to staffing several fixed posts in administrative areas and residence halls across the campus. The officers of GWPD are supported by Community Service Aides, who are students, trained by GWPD to monitor access to the residence halls and to maintain a security presence in select areas. GWPD provides around-the-clock patrols and other services to the university community. It also enforces federal and local statutes as well as GW regulations.

To report a crime or public safety emergency, call GWPD at 202-994-6111.

Officers are on duty and dispatchers respond to emergency calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

For non-emergency issues, including university lost and found, call GWPD at 202-994-6110.

A complete listing of GWPD programs and services can be found on their website.

Security Precautions

In general, the university is a safe area in which to live and work. Because of the open nature of the campus, however, there are precautions that you should follow for your own well-being:

  • Avoid walking alone at night.
  • Walk where there is plenty of light and traffic.
  • Avoid shortcuts through unoccupied buildings and unlighted areas.
  • Use the public sidewalks.
  • Be alert.
  • Lock your office when you leave it unattended.
  • During non-business hours, keep your office door closed and locked.
  • Notify GWPD if you plan to be in your office outside of working hours, and then let them know when you leave.
  • Never leave your wallet, purse, or other valuables unattended.
  • Report thefts to the appropriate security office immediately.
  • Lock up keys that you leave behind in your work area.
  • Remove building identification tags from key rings.
  • Report suspicious persons immediately to GWPD.
Security Escort Services

Safe Ride provides GW community members with the option of a safe ride to and from locations on and around the Foggy Bottom Campus. The service operates during the late night hours to provide safe transport between buildings across the GW Foggy Bottom Campus.

To arrange for transportation, contact:

Safe Ride at 202-994-RIDE (7433) between 8 pm and 4am.


To obtain an escort, give your name, current location, and destination to the GWPD dispatcher. Have your GW ID card ready to show to the van driver or patrol officer.

For additional information about this service, call 202-994-RIDE. During all other hours, escorts are provided by GWPD officers.

Safety Measures

Safe working conditions are important. Any unsafe conditions, should be reported to your manager. Examples of unsafe conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • slippery floors,
  • hazardous equipment,
  • defective or broken equipment,
  • careless handling of combustibles, and
  • cluttered hallways, stairs, exits, and entrances.

The Office of Risk Management & Insurance is available to provide additional information and training for staff on a variety of topics including accident reporting, worker’s compensation, international travel, and auto rental guidelines.

Dependent upon their assigned units, staff may be required to received specific mandatory training related to that area (infection control, laboratory safety, blood borne pathogens, fire safety, etc.) and as required by local and/or federal regulations.

Fire Safety and Prevention

The university has Fire Emergency Action Plan Standard Procedures that must be observed in case of fire. Every building has an evacuation plan. Staff members should become familiar with the plan for their work area. Managers and/or Floor Wardens should be able to address questions regarding building evacuation.

The Office of Emergency Management, Health, & Safety can also assist in providing information on fire hazards and proper handling and storage, potential ignition sources for fires and their control procedures, fire protection equipment or systems, and to identify persons responsible for maintenance of fire prevention equipment.

For campus employees, the Office of Risk Management & Insurance can arrange for classes on fire prevention or the use of fire equipment. Medical Center employees participate in fire safety training once a year.