Student Affairs

Career Path Tree

Employees are responsible for non-academic related aspects of student life, such as housing, career services, student conduct, student organizations and other programs impacting the co-curricular experience.

Academic Advising

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for counseling students on academic programs and course selections, including requirements and post-college planning. Employees may monitor student academic progress and compliance with program requirements. Duties may include meeting with students concerning questions and issues regarding various aspects of their academic program, respond to faculty requests for assistance, and preparing assessment reports. This function is typically performed at the school level.

  N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5)N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4)N/A - (M4)
Academic Advisor III (IC3)Director, Academic Advising (M3)
Academic Advisor II (IC2)Manager, Academic Advising (M2)
Academic Advisor I (IC1)N/A - (M1)
 N/A - (SS3) 
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)
All Functions

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for non-academic related aspects of student life, such as housing, career services, student conduct, student organizations and other programs impacting the co-curricular experience.

  N/A - (E4)
Top Student Affairs Officer (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5)N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4)N/A - (M4)
N/A - (IC3)N/A - (M3)
N/A - (IC2)N/A - (M2)
N/A - (IC1)N/A - (M1)
 N/A - (SS3) 
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)
Career Services

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for advising students on career placement and planning. Duties may include facilitating seminars and workshops, representing career services internally and externally through presentations and interviews, and developing contacts with institutions and companies.

  N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
Top Career Services Officer (E2)
N/A - (IC5)N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4)N/A - (M4)
Career Counselor III (IC3)Director, Career Services (M3)
Career Counselor II (IC2)Manager, Career Services (M2)
Career Counselor I (IC1)N/A - (M1)
 Career Services Coordinator (SS3) 
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for administering student conduct policies and processes. Duties include education and enforcement of community standards, disciplinary and education procedures, and student outreach.

  N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5)N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4)N/A - (M4)
N/A - (IC3)Director, Student Conduct (M3)
Student Conduct Officer II (IC2)Manager, Student Conduct (M2)
Student Conduct Officer I (IC1)N/A - (M1)
 N/A - (SS3) 
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for supporting the residential mission of the university in accordance with academic policies. Duties may include residential planning, monitoring, maintenance, disciplinary standards, safety and advising.

  N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5)N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4)Director, Housing (M4)
N/A - (IC3)N/A - (M3)
N/A - (IC2)Manager, Housing (M2)
Area Coordinator (IC1)N/A - (M1)
 Housing Associate (SS3) 
Housing Assistant (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)
Multiple Functions

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for managing multiple functions or sub-families within the job family, typically reserved for senior leadership positions with oversight and responsibility for a large organization with a division.

  N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
Student Affairs Executive II - (E2)
N/A - (IC5)Student Affairs Executive I (E1)
Student Affairs Administrator (IC4)N/A - (M4)
N/A - (IC3)N/A - (M3)
N/A - (IC2)N/A - (M2)
N/A - (IC1)N/A - (M1)
 N/A - (SS3) 
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)
Student Employment

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for advising students on career placement and planning. Duties may include facilitating seminars and workshops, representing career services internally and externally through presentations and interviews, and developing contacts with institutions and companies.

  N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5)N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4)N/A - (M4)
N/A - (IC3)Director, Student Employment (M3)
N/A - (IC2)N/A - (M2)
Student Employment Associate (IC1)Supervisor, Student Employment (M1)
 Student Employment Coordinator (SS3) 
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)
Student Programs

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for (a) administering student-centered programs that focus on student development and achievement (b) overseeing and coordinating student activities through development, organization, and (c) oversight of student organizations. These programs may include First Year. Trails, Greek Life, student government and student-run organizations. 

  N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5)N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4)Assistant Dean, University Student Programs (M4)
N/A - (IC3)Director, Student Programs (M3)
Student Programs Administrator II (IC2)Manager, Student Programs (M2)
Student Programs Administrator I (IC1)N/A - (M1)
 N/A - (SS3) 
Student Programs Assistant (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)