My Voice at GW - FAQs

About the Survey

Who is being surveyed?

All regular full- and part-time GW faculty and staff will be invited to complete the survey.

When is the survey?

GW employees completed the initial full My Voice at GW survey in early 2023. In 2024, employees will receive an invitation to take a short pulse survey. In 2025, the university plans to administer the full My Voice at GW survey again.

How do I take the survey?

On February 21, 2023, faculty and staff will receive an email directly from Gallup with an invitation to complete the survey. You can click the link in the email to be taken to the survey. Please do not share this email or link with anyone, as the link is unique to you.

What if I do not have access to email or did not receive the email invitation?

Our team will coordinate with departments where employees have limited access to computers and will ensure there are opportunities to complete the survey. If you have specific needs regarding accommodation, you can reach out to [email protected].

If you lose your code from the initial email, you will receive reminder emails with the code. You can also retrieve your code through an automated access retrieval system. If you need further assistance, you can contact Gallup Client Support by emailing [email protected].

How do I know the survey is confidential?

Gallup administers the entire survey, independently of GW. All participants receive a unique access code and no one from GW knows anyone else's access code. Reports shared with GW will not contain information about individuals. Reports will contain Q12 results for groups only, and will not be viewable at the group level for groups that did not have enough participants. 

Can I take the survey during work time?

The survey will be available 24/7 and employees are encouraged to complete it during regular working hours.

Can I take the survey on a mobile device?

Yes, the survey is optimized for smartphones and tablets.

How long will the survey take to complete?

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, but it is possible to save your progress and return later.

Can I take the survey more than once?

Each employee can only complete the survey one time.

Is the survey accessible?

All Gallup web-based surveys are accessible. Users can use their own screen reader or overlay a custom stylesheet to change font, color, etc of the survey as needed.

I need help or require assistance. Who should I contact?

You can email [email protected] with any questions.

Is the survey mandatory?

It is not mandatory, but we encourage all faculty and staff to participate, as this is your way of providing confidential feedback regarding your needs. The more feedback we receive from each department, the easier it will be for leadership to form action plans that can have a direct and positive impact on their teams.

Why partner with Gallup?

Gallup is a leading global analytics and advice firm with over 75 years of experience studying human nature and performance. Their engagement survey questions have been highly validated and tested across hundreds of thousands of results in high education.

Why are we taking this survey?

The survey will serve to measure engagement as baseline for the university. Engagement is important to each faculty or staff member who contributes to our  mission, so understanding where we as an organization can effect change in a meaningful way will help faculty and staff feel more empowered and engaged in their work, which will help support our students, researchers, faculty, staff, and other members of our university community.

Why are we taking this survey now?

We recognize the need to allow for faculty and staff to communicate their perspectives and engagement to find the best way forward for everyone, both at the school/unit level and at a university level.


Results and What Comes Next

What does a low score on a Q12 question mean?

A low score on a particular Q12 question will help to identify that as an opportunity for a school or unit to focus action planning to improve conditions. While faculty and staff may already have a sense of where the focus for planning needs to be, the survey will help provide quantitative and qualitative data to reinforce those feelings, and will help provide actionable next steps for improvement.

What is GW doing with the results?

The results from the survey will inform action planning at a school and unit level. This allows your voice to be heard in order to bring about positive change based on your feedback.

What is action planning?

Action planning is how we create change based on the results of the My Voice at GW survey. Each school or unit will use their specific results to inform changes and make improvements.

Who can be involved in action planning?

By participating in the My Voice at GW survey, you will be directly using your voice to inform action planning. Each school and unit will have its own action plan developed by leaders based on their survey results.