Your First Day

We are delighted you are joining the GW community. As you prepare to start your career at GW, please familiarize yourself with these important deadlines and requirements, which need to be completed on or before your first day of employment. Most employees will have New Employee Orientation on their first day. Please consult your offer letter to determine the date you are scheduled for orientation.

On or Before Your First Day:


New Employee Checklist

The New Employee Checklist has important deadlines and information, such as employment verification, payroll and benefits requirements, and more. 

New Employee Checklist

New Medical Resident Checklist (PDF)

Connect with Your Department:

  • Before your first day, you can learn about your department's expectations by contacting the manager who hired you or your Human Resources representative. Questions to ask:

    • What is the preferred attire in the group/department?

    • Will I have a schedule for my first days, e.g. for meetings or required training?
    • Should I bring lunch my first day in the department?
  • Once you begin your new position, you should connect with your manager to learn about the responsibilities, challenges, and expectations of your position. Ask your manager questions such as:
    • Are there regular meetings I am expected to attend? Are there special activities or certain days of the week when events take place?
    • What training is required for my new position? How soon do I need to complete the training? Once I complete the required training, what additional recommended training is available that may be helpful?
    • What projects will I be working on initially? Will I be able to get a list from you as to whom I should contact to be brought up to speed? What are the deadlines?
    • For my first assignment, what decisions can be made without input, and what types of decisions need input from managers, or broader input, such as from clients or stakeholders?
    • Which policies should I review in my first few weeks? (Many policies apply only to certain job roles or responsibilities.


Get to Know GW:

  • Review GW's benefit offerings by attending the Benefits and Payroll overview webinar on the first Wednesday of your employment. *Please note, as of October 2, 2023, the benefits webinar takes place on Mondays at 1pm.

  • Learn about relocating to the D.C. area.

  • Consider different transportation options to get to GW.
  • Review leave programs available to GW employees.
  • Find out the dates of GW's holidays.
  • Learn about GW and GW's involvement in our community, city, and abroad.
  • Review the GW Values.
  • Learn about diversity, equity, and community engagement at GW.

There are many benefits and resources available to you as a GW employee. The resources compiled here will help you to transition and understand your options. Many of these resources will also be covered in your New Employee Checklist and New Employee Orientation and in webinars your first week of employment, which will provide time to answer any questions you may have.