Benefits Enrollment and Changes

Supporting Documentation Deadlines

Review the deadlines below and acceptable supporting documentation to make benefits changes when you experience a Qualified Life Event.

Instructions for each Qualified Life Event type is noted below.

Resources for Faculty and Staff:

*On the Go? Download the mobile app, enter our company code GWbenefitscenter, along with your GWID and password (date of birth in MMDDYYYY format), and take your GW benefits with you wherever you go.

Important Deadlines to Make Benefits Changes

  • 30 calendar days: The period of time new hires, and employees who switch to a benefits-eligible status, have to enroll in benefits.
  • 30 calendar days from the event: The period of time employees have to make changes if they experience a qualifying life event (as defined by the IRS, such as marriage, losing coverage under a spouse, etc.) 
  • 60 calendar days: The period of time employees have to make benefits changes for a birth or adoption life event.
  • 30 calendar days: The period of time new hires, and employees who switch to a benefits-eligible status, have to enroll in benefits.
  • 30 calendar days from the event: The period of time employees have to make changes if they experienced a qualifying life event (as defined by the IRS, such as marriage, losing coverage under a spouse, etc.) 
  • 60 calendar days: The period of time employees have to make benefits changes for a birth or adoption life event.

Supporting Documentation:

In order to cover your family members, GW needs to verify dependent eligibility. Dependent coverage is pending until documentation is received and verified within the required timeframe.

Documentation may be uploaded directly into the system during the benefits election process or mailed, faxed, or emailed.  

If you are adding a dependent to your coverage, you must provide the following documentation to complete enrollment:

  • Spouse – marriage certificate or a copy of last year’s tax returns
  • Childbirth certificate or other proof of birth
  • Common-Law Marriage Partner – Declaration of Common-Law Form
  • Domestic Partner – Declaration of Domestic Partnership form (including three supporting documents); Or, you may submit a government-issued Certificate of Domestic Partnership along with the completed declaration form.
  1. Log in to and enter your Qualified Life Event. The system has a single-sign-on capability when logging on from a GW-provided computer. 
  2. Gather supporting documentation of the life event.
  3. Upload your supporting documentation directly to the GW Benefits Enrollment System site during the benefit election process. You may also send all supporting documentation to Benefits via fax 571-553-8385 or email: 

Benefits Changes Due To Qualified Life Events

Benefit changes must be consistent with your life event. For example, if you have a baby, you may add the baby to your medical coverage. You cannot, however, drop dental coverage for other family members at this time.


GW Benefits continues to accept documentation in support of Qualified Life Events (QLE) changes during university breaks and holidays to ensure you may submit your information within the required timeframes.

To submit your documents online, please visit the GW Benefits Enrollment System. From there, click on “Manage Profile” at the top right corner of the homepage, just below your name. Next, go to "View all Documents" under "Manage Documents" and select the document you wish to upload from the "Uploaded Documents" section. Alternatively, you can scan the document(s) and email it to or fax to 571-553-8385.

Select the qualified life event you have recently experienced to understand the steps you need to take to make benefits changes. The effective date for these changes is provided under each event to clarify how it is determined.