Updating Address

Updating Your Address

IMPORTANT NOTE: Updating your W4 address does not update your State Withholding Information.  If you change your state of residence, you must update your state tax withholding using these instructions: Changing Residency- State Withholding. Updating your phone number is optional. 

This direct link will take you to the Personal Information screen.  You will be prompted to use SSO to login.  Otherwise, click the GWeb link below and follow the steps to arrive at the Personal Information screen.

To begin, log in to GWeb.

GWeb sign on page with red box around Login to Gweb

From the home screen select View/Update Personal Information under My Profile to review and/or update your address(es).

Gweb information login screen

On the Personal Information Screen, scroll down to the Address section.  Click Edit on the Address you need to update.  In this example, the Permanent address will be updated.

Screenshot of address with red box around edit button for permanent address

 Enter an end date in the Valid Until Box.  Click Update.

screenshot to edit address with red boxes around valid until date and update

Click Add New.

screenshot Address edit, delete, or add box

Enter the Type of Address and a Valid From date.  Leave the "Valid Until" box blank.  Enter applicable address details.  Click Add.

screenshot of add address box with red box around add

You will see your new address on the Personal Information screen.

screenshot of view address section with red box around new permanent address