Rounding Rules

  • System rounds start and end of shift punches to the nearest quarter hour
  • Union employees should check with their collective bargaining agreement
  • The split occurs in the middle of each quarter hour
  • The system records and posts the exact punch to the timecard but uses the rounded punch for calculating the paid hours
  • Meal break start and shift punches do not round to the quarter hour to ensure a bona fide meal break

Clocking in/out shift example:

  • 7:54 pays as 8:00 punch (rounds forward)
  • 8:07 pays as 8:00 punch (rounds back)
  • 8:08 pays as 8:15 punch (rounds forward)

Combined example:

  • 8:53 to 9:07 pays 9:00
  • 9:08 to 9:22 pays 9:15
  • 9:23 to 9:37 pays to 9:30
  • 9:38 to 9:52 pays to 9:45