Resolving Timecard Requests

If an employee forgets to clock in and out or clocks wrong they can make the correction on their time card. Once the correction is made the employee will see a notification at the top of their screen that says "Information: Your changes have been submitted but will not display until they are approved". 

image showing punch request info text. Your changes will be applied once approved.

A notification will be sent to the manager. However, both the manager and timekeeper will be able to see the request from the timecard or Dataview and approve or refuse it. Once the request is approved it will be added to the employee’s time card.

Approving Timecard Requests from the Employee Timecard

  • Select arrow in the right-hand corner of the Timecard Requests Needing Review Tile to retrieve a list of users that have pending Timecard Requests.
    • Image
      timecard requests needing review
  • From the Dataview select the employees name 
  • Right click over any selected name 
  • Select the GoTo button at the bottom of the box
  • Select Timecard
    • Image
      Select employees from a dataview. Select employee name then right click over employees name.
  • Once in the time card you will see Pending Changes
    • Pending changes have a red bullet point next to the day
    • Pending Changes box should appear on the right had side of the timecard
  • Select Approve or Refuse in the drop-down box under Pending Changes
  • Select Apply
  • Note: If you receive a warning message that says there is duplicate punches, confirm if the punch is already been added. If the punch is already there select refuse with a note that says the punch was already added.
    • Image
      Approving timecard requests from the timecard. A box will appear on the right hand side of screen. Then you select approve or refuse on each request.

Approving Timecard Requests from a Dataview

  • Select arrow in the right hand corner of the Timecard Requests Needing Review Tile to retrieve a list of users that have pending Timecard Requests.
    • Image
      timecard requests needing review
  • You will be brought to the to the GW Timecard Change Request Status Dataview. 
  • Select an employee name or select the Select All button to select all employees
  • Select the drop down from the Approval button
  • Select Approve All Timecard Change Requests.   Note, you can only approve all from the dataview.
GW Timecard Change Request Status Dataview