Academic Technology


Career Path Tree

Employees are responsible for identifying, developing and implementing a variety of innovative technology solutions for the enrichment of the academic experience at the university.

Academic Instructional Design

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for developing technical and learning strategies that utilize technology and design theory.

    N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5) N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4) N/A - (M4)
Instructional Designer II (IC3) Director, Instructional Design (M3)
Instructional Designer I (IC2) Manager, Instructional Design (M2)
N/A - (IC1) N/A - (M1)
  N/A - (SS3)  
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)
Academic Instructional Technology

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for providing innovative computer technology solutions for academic units. Employees may develop teaching and learning strategies and activities that utilize technology and design theories.

    N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
N/A - (E2)
N/A - (IC5) N/A - (E1)
N/A - (IC4) Director, Instructional Technology (M4)
Instructional Technologist II (IC3) N/A - (M3)
Instructional Technologist I (IC2) Manager, Instructional Technology (M2)
N/A - (IC1) N/A - (M1)
  N/A - (SS3)  
Instructional Learning Assistant (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)
All Functions

Employees in this subfamily are responsible for identifying, developing and implementing a variety of innovative technology solutions for the enrichment of the academic experience at the university

    N/A - (E4)
N/A - (E3)
Chief Academic Technology Officer (E2)
N/A - (IC5) Deputy Chief Academic Technology Officer (E1)
N/A - (IC4) N/A - (M4)
N/A - (IC3) N/A - (M3)
N/A - (IC2) N/A - (M2)
N/A - (IC1) N/A - (M1)
  N/A - (SS3)  
N/A - (SS2)
N/A - (SS1)